The Challenge

  • 14.1-mile east-west transit line in Baltimore
  • Connects various city areas to downtown
  • Enhances mobility and links to existing transit systems

The proposed Baltimore Red Line is a 14.1-mile, east-west transit line connecting several areas of the city to downtown Baltimore. The Red Line would provide enhanced mobility and connecting service to Baltimore’s existing transit systems: MARC commuter service, metro, light rail and local and commuter bus routes.

The Solution

GeoTesting Express, Inc. (GTX) provided a wide range of rock and soil testing services in support of the design of two rock tunnels, the Downtown Tunnel and the Cooks Lane Tunnel. GTX performed over 1,600 rock tests and more than 500 soil tests for this project.

Rock tests included:

  • Uniaxial compression
  • Triaxial
  • Cerchar abrasivity
  • Punch penetration
  • Petrographic analyses
  • NTNU/SINTEF drillability
  • Pulse velocities and elastic constant
  • Direct shear
  • Splitting tensile
  • Point load
  • Slake
  • Rebound hammer
  • Unit weight, porosity, and specific gravity

Services Provided

Soil & Rock Testing

Geotechnical rock and soil testing

Related Projects

GTX_PROJECT_Confidential Nuclear Site

Confidential Nuclear Site

Value Delivered:

Able to move rapidly through the auditing process and
begin testing without delay
Prior experience providing geotechnical testing services
for nuclear safety-related projects
Save the client over 30% in standard testing fees
GTX_PROJECT_Hampton Roads

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

Value Delivered:

Quick turnaround on hundreds of samples tested
Large quantities of index and automated testing

MTA Purple Line Tunnel Shaft

Value Delivered:

Ability of our laboratory to perform a wide range of tests
while being flexible enough to modify equipment to test
non-standard sized cores

Ready to Speak
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