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Strength Testing

Triaxial & Stress Path Test System

LoadTrac III / FlowTrac

The LoadTrac III / FlowTrac system for triaxial testing offers an affordable, high-quality solution for any lab setting. It performs Unconsolidated Undrained (UU), Consolidated Undrained (CU) and Consolidated Drained (CD) testing. Once the sample is placed and test parameters set, the system automates all phases of the test from start to finish – initialization, saturation, consolidation (isotropic, anisotropic, or Ko) and shear. The LoadTrac III and FlowTrac units take minimal space, require no external connections other than water source, and need minimal maintenance.

Additional common test methods can easily be added (1-D Incremental Consolidation, CRS Consolidation, Unconfined Compression), which makes return on investment best on the market.

For users wanting to outfit a production or teaching lab with multiple units having broad test flexibility, using minimal space, and/or on a limited budget this is a great choice.

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The triaxial test method determines the shear strength and stress-strain relationship (or stiffness) of cylindrical saturated cohesive (typically) soil samples. The three common triaxial tests are the consolidated undrained (CU), consolidated drained (CD) and unconsolidated undrained (UU). The CU and CD tests incorporate all phases of saturation, consolidation and shearing while allowing effective stress control and measurement. The CU test is the most popular method offering faster rate of shearing compared to the CD test due to monitoring of excess pore pressure change. The UU test is the fastest and simplest and only allows total stresses to be controlled and measured. Test type is typically chosen based on soil type and project timeline, but CU and CD are considered superior tests.

In terms of application, triaxial compression testing is often used to provide strength information at the top of a slope or embankment, while triaxial extension is considered for the toe or base of the slope or embankment. When compared to the direct shear test, triaxial is considered more versatile, allows drainage to be well controlled and the failure plane can occur anywhere (not just on a specific horizontal plane).
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The LoadTrac III is a compact and lower cost load frame designed to excel at the most common compression tests in the lab. It can easily be upgraded to perform additional test types by purchasing required software and accessories.  Incremental Consolidation, Swell, and Unconfined Compression are popular tests performed on the load frame alone. Constant Rate Consolidation is an option with the addition of one FlowTrac pressure & volume control flow pump. Triaxial (UU, CU, CD) and Stress Path testing is possible with one to two FlowTrac flow pumps. California Bearing Ratio testing is possible, but will be limited by the lower load capacity. The LoadTrac II would be better suited for CBR testing. Contact one of our sales team today to discuss all available configurations and options.