The Challenge

  • The project aimed to assess the geotechnical properties, focusing on shear strength, of biosolids
  • This evaluation was conducted to facilitate the design of a biosolids monofill for a wastewater treatment plant in Jordan

The project goal was to evaluate the geotechnical properties, especially shear strength, of biosolids for the purposes of designing a biosolids monofill for a wastewater treatment plant in Jordan.


The Solution

GTX was able to successfully:

  • Import samples of contaminated foreign soil (bosolids)
  • Handle the material in a specially designed “clean room”
  • Perform specialized testing on the material

The testing consisted of:

  • Index tests
  • Permeability
  • Direct Simple Shear (DSS)
  • Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) triaxial
  • Consolidated Undrained (CU) triaxial in both compression and extension
  • Incremental consolidation

GTX provided these specialized testing services in a timely manner


Services Provided


Import of foreign soil

Soil Analysis

Specialized testing of foreign and contaminated soil (biosolids) and sludge

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