The Challenge

  • $3-billion Woodrow Wilson Bridge: Eases I-95 traffic near D.C.
  • Original bridge overwhelmed by 200,000 vehicles daily
  • New drawbridge with 12 lanes, fewer lifts, and interchange upgrades tackle traffic challenges

The $3-billion Woodrow Wilson Bridge Replacement project is located in one of the most heavily trafficked areas of the U.S., at approximately the mid-point of I-95, on the south side of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The original bridge, constructed in 1961, was carrying close to 200,000 vehicles each day – well over the original design capacity of 75,000 vehicles per day. This capacity problem was exacerbated by the need to raise the bascules 260 times a year to allow river traffic to pass, and by the narrowing of I-95 from 8 lanes to 6 just prior to entering the bridge. The new box girder drawbridge consists of 12 lanes and will only be raised 60 times a year.

Four major interchanges surrounding the bridge area are also being improved to increase traffic flow. One of the major challenges facing construction has been the extremely soft soils upon which the roadway and interchanges are to sit on.

The Solution

In order to evaluate alternative methods of construction, such as surcharging with wick drains, GeoTesting Express (GTX) conducted consolidation and strength testing of the extremely soft soils. GTX was selected because of its:

  • Fast turnaround times
  • Quality
  • Technical support capabilities

Services Provided

Soil Consolidation

Consolidation and strength testing of soft soils

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On-time completion of intense, time sensitive $250,000
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Confidential Nuclear Site

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Able to move rapidly through the auditing process and
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Prior experience providing geotechnical testing services
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Save the client over 30% in standard testing fees

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