Geocomp > Soil > Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer

Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer

Test Method Title

Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer

Reference Number

ASTM D3385


Field Soil

Test Property

Permeability, Flow Rate

Description of Test

The double-ring infiltrometer method consists of driving two open cylinders, one inside the other, into the ground, partially filling the rings with water or other liquid, and then maintaining the liquid at a constant level. The volume of liquid added to the inner ring, to maintain the liquid level constant is the measure of the volume of liquid that infiltrates the soil. The volume infiltrated during timed intervals is converted to an incremental infiltration velocity, usually expressed in centimeters per hour or inch per hour.

Number of Test Specimens

project specific

Test Specimen Size

2 ft diameter


coefficient of permeability; hydraulic conductivity, double-ring, flow rate, infiltration rate; infiltrometer