Geocomp > Geosynthetic > Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Water (Xenon-Arc Type Apparatus)

Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Water (Xenon-Arc Type Apparatus)

Test Method Title

Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Water (Xenon-Arc Type Apparatus)

Reference Number

ASTM D4355


Geocomposite, Geotextile

Test Property

Degradation in breaking strength

Description of Test

Five geotextile specimens in machine and five in cross-machine direction are exposed in a Xenon arc device for each of the following times: 0, 150, 300 and 500 hours. Exposure consists of 120 minute cycles as follows: 90 minutes of light only at 65 °C uninsulated black panel temperature and 50% relative humidity followed by 30 minutes of light plus water spray. After each exposure period is complete, specimens are exposed to a strip tensile test. The average breaking strength in each direction is compared to that of the original control specimens. The percent strength retained is plotted to produce a degradation curve.

Number of Test Specimens

5 machine direction 5 cross machine direction

Test Specimen Size

2" x 6"


arc, deterioration, light degradation, UV, Xenon